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A small team from UV will be going on a trip to Drita e Botes church, Tirana in October. The aim of the visit is to help the mission and evangelistic work of the church. The purpose of the trip is to encourage and maintain our link with this church, pray with them and get involved in overseas mission as part of our discipleship journey.

Three of our young people: Nisha, Kayleigh and Matthew are going on this trip. They have organised a 10 mile sponsored walk to fund their travel, food and accommodation. Any extra money raised will go directly to Drita e Botes church in Albania to pay for food parcels for local families in need.

If you would like to join them on the sponsored walk and are under 18 please complete this consent form.

To donate please give in one of the following ways: 

Direct Giving

To make a one-off donation through your bank, please use the bank details as follows:

Upton Vale Baptist Church
Account No:  00021384
Sort Code:     40-52-40
Ref: 'Albania' and include 'your name'

Online Giving

To give a one-off gift using your credit or debit card, please visit here.

Gift Aid

We encourage all those who are paying tax to Gift Aid their giving, if possible. This government scheme allows us as a church to reclaim 25p for every £1 given. It will not cost you any extra. There are two online ways you can fill in and deliver a Gift Aid form:

  • You can download a Gift Aid form here, and send it to the email address, or hand to those mentioned, as given on that form.
  • Fill in the online form here, which will automatically and confidentially be sent to the Giving Team.

You can also use the form below, which will be received confidentially by the Giving Team, to ask any questions related to Gift Aid, including any other ways in which you could register your desire to Gift Aid your donations. Contact us with your questions:

Email Address:


Planning your Visit