Rev Simon Clay
I’m Simon, the Senior Pastor. My role is to have oversight of the church community, to tell others about Jesus and to help those in the church grow as disciples. I am married to Katie and we have three wonderful children. After a career in education as a teacher, leader and headteacher it is a joy to serve as pastor to the church at UV and serve the folk of Torbay. I have the dubious joy of supporting Leeds United but don’t hold that against me!
Paul Hine
I’m Paul, the Children and Youth Pastor. I delight in creating fun, dynamic, safe spaces for children and young people to explore their faith and get to know Jesus better, whether they are coming to church each week or stepping into the building for the very first time. I’m married to Ele and we have two children who are currently in universities doing… university things! I am a massive board game enthusiast and am also learning to surf-paddleboard with (cough) mixed results.
Teubes Menhert

I'm Teubes. I work with the children and young people trying to make a safe and fun environment for them to learn more about Jesus in many different ways! In my spare time I love spending time with my friends and family, staying active through all sorts of sports and activities, and spending time in nature (preferably in the sun) admiring God's creation!
Ele Hine

I'm Ele. I work in the office on lots of things systems related. First and foremost, I love Jesus. I also love walking, cycling, going to the beach, board games, and cake - baking and eating it! I am married to Paul and we have two wonderful daughters, now both adults.
Judith Baker
I'm Jude. I am the Communications Lead and I help shape how Upton Vale communicates. I'm married to Neil and we have a son. In my spare time I enjoy being with family/friends, gardening, cooking and renovating our house.
Michele Spear
I'm Michele. I am on the admin team, focussing on worship gatherings and Sunday services. Life is busy with two grown-up daughters and two teenagers, but I try to fit in something creative now and then.
Mat Miller
I'm Mat, the Premises Manager. I am responsible for the building upkeep and improvement; Health and Safety and room hire. I am married to Rachel and we have 3 step 'kids'. I enjoy gaming, reading, and walking.
Clive Burridge
I'm Clive, the Caretaker/Cleaner. I have two kids. I found my faith at UV four years ago through Alpha and have been walking with Jesus ever since. I like cycling, watching films and sitting on the beach.
If you would like to speak to any of our team, please use our
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