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If you're considering the Alpha course you might like to hear from some of the people who've been on one of our recent courses. Click on any photo below to see what they have to say. 

bea alpha
I joined my first Alpha course with no preconceptions of what it would involve, in fact I’d never heard of it before! I saw it as an opportunity to learn about something new and I never could have imagined I would learn as much as I did, or that it would have a lasting impact on me and my life. 
The videos in each session were brilliant and really informative, coupled with the opportunity to spend time in small groups hearing other people’s thoughts, questions and experiences was what made it so special.
I met so many wonderful people who have stayed with me on my journey after Alpha and I continue to learn from them.
Alpha has had a hugely positive impact on me, so much so that I did the course again and now regularly attend church meetings and services. Opening the door to let God in has changed my life. 
I’d recommend Alpha to anyone who is interested in learning about Christianity and exploring the answers to some of those big questions in a safe and open environment. To anyone unsure I’d say, give it a try, go to a taster session and see what you think!
My impression of Alpha was a positive one – everyone was really welcoming and encouraging and it’s an opportunity to explore some of those bigger questions we all wonder about. And for me being able to access this via zoom worked really well with childcare.
Alpha has impacted me as the topics were really thought provoking and this led to some great honest conversations within my group. Jesus has been a part of my life since childhood but going through Alpha has felt like a coming home and reigniting my relationship with God.
I'd recommend Alpha to others because it gives you that time and space to explore and discuss some of those bigger questions with other people doing the same.
I was so pleased to be able to do Alpha online. As a Christian it was good to re-examine my own faith and for a non-Christian it’s a great, unthreatening way to explore the core facts and principles of Christianity.
Judith Baker, 10/03/2021

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