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We believe the church functions best when everyone plays their part and that God individually crafted each of us with gifts, talents and passions to help others. We can achieve things working together that are impossible when going solo! Our hope is that when you become part of one of our teams you will feel connected to the life and vision of the church, as well as feel enriched and encouraged in your own faith. It is also a great way to get to know people!

Here are some of the positions we are trying to fill at the moment, both within our church and in our local partner organisations:

If you are keen to get involved but aren't sure which team or opportunity might be best for you, let us help you. Complete the following form and we'll be in touch to arrange to meet for tea/coffee and chat about what interests you have and what work or volunteering you've done in the past which you have enjoyed.

Your name:
Email Address:



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