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New Senior Minister Appointment - read more here.

Emily Twigg (Rev'd)
Emily Twigg photoHi, I’m Emily! I’m a Baptist Minister and the Emerging Generations Team Lead here at UV.  My main focus is overseeing UV’s children, families and youth ministry and the fantastic teams behind them. I’m hugely passionate about intergenerational church as well as shoes, baking, crafting, travelling and above all JESUS! I absolutely hate baked beans and once had to drink a can of coke through a sock which a 13-year-old boy had worn all day – yuck!
Teubes Mehnert
Teubes (2)
I am the new South West Youth Ministries (SWYM) trainee/intern at Upton Vale. My main area at UV will be with the children and youth but I will also be helping with various other things throughout UV.

In my spare time I love to meet up with friends and socialise. I also love the sea and a nice sandy beach, I particularly like to surf! 
Judith Baker
Judith Baker photo
I am the Communications Lead and I help shape how Upton Vale communicates. I'm married to Neil and we have a son. In my spare time I enjoy being with family/friends, gardening, cooking and renovating our house.                       
Michèle Spear
Michele Spear photo (2)I am on the admin team, focussing on worship gatherings and Sunday services. Life is busy with two grown-up daughters and two teenagers, but I try to fit in something creative now and then.
Mat Miller
Mat Miller photo
I'm the Premises Manager here at UV. I am responsible for the building upkeep and improvement; Health and Safety and room hire. I am married to Rachel and have 3 step 'kids'. I enjoy gaming, reading, and walking.       
Clive Burridge
Clive Burridge
I am the Caretaker/Cleaner here at UV. I have two kids. I found my faith at UV four years ago through Alpha and have been walking with Jesus ever since. I like cycling, watching films and sitting on the beach. 

December 2023 (5)

If you would like to speak to any of our team, please visit the Contact Us page. 

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